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article was published in the February 2002 issue of ATA Chronicle, the magazine of the American Translators
Association (www.atanet.org).
No matter how many
times you may try to wash a black dog, it will not turn him into a white
was a dark and stormy night in Eastern Virginia on the Chesapeake Bay. I
was watching with my preteen children a rerun of Buffy The Vampire Slayer,
fancying myself as Giles (definitely not Spike or Angel). After all, I am
often as lugubriously absentminded as Giles, I presume to be an expert in
a dark and secret lore (technical translation), I have a funny accent too,
and unlike Giles, I speak fluent Slovakian!
I get bored and turn on my laptop during one of the commercials, and if
there is nothing of interest in my e-mail, fire up a search engine like
Google or AskJeeves to check up on my competition on the Web by typing
“Japanese patent translators” or something like that into the search
field, often never to come back to Buffy’s latest count of slain
bloodsucking monsters (my kids will gladly fill me in later). Hundreds or
thousands of hits come usually back after such a search. Some of the web
pages resulting from a search are from translation companies and agencies
in US and around the world, some are from individual translators. It seems
that translators are finally waking up to the opportunities of a worldwide
market that is now as open to an individual player as it is to a
multinational corporation on the Internet. If you search for example for
“Korean translator”, some interesting website is bound to come up in
California, England, or somewhere else. It is a good way to find out how
much other people are charging for what you do.
Teams of language
and subject-qualified experts carefully check and recheck our
agency and every individual usually claims that the translations are
carefully proofread and checked for accuracy, style, cultural
compatibility, etc., which is how the agency or translator achieves a
superior product (although all other agencies and individuals claim the
same thing). Translation agencies usually claim that their product is
superior because they have teams of experts who carefully check and
recheck the translation until they are able to shape the final product
into a perfect form. Individual translators sometime pay for a
proofreader, sometime have their wife or husband proofread the
translation. Wives often don’t mind this chore, for some of them it is
in fact a dream job - they get to criticize what their husband is doing
wrong and he must be grateful to them and thank them profusely, sometime
even give them money or flowers, or at least take them to a sushi bar
every now and then, which can cost about as much as having a full time
employee! In fact, even if the original translation is good or excellent,
it is a very good idea to have a fresh pair of eyes look at it again and
try to find errors, omissions, typos, etc., because we can’t usually see
our own mistakes until somebody else points them to us. However, I am very
skeptical when it comes to claims of “teams of language and
subject-qualified experts” who labor tirelessly on a translation until a
perfect match is achieved between the meaning of the original and the
translated product which will “read as if it has been written in English
in the first place”. I think that this whole concept is mostly an
advertising gimmick aimed at gullible, monolingual translation consumers.
So why I never had
a single call from a language and subject-qualified expert since 1987?
Although most of my income is derived from my direct clients at
this point, mostly patent law firms, I still work for translation
agencies. Based on my interaction with translation agencies since 1987 in
this country, I am sorry to say that I don’t know a single one that has
on its staff teams of subject-qualified experts who would be able to add
much, if any, value to my translations of Japanese patents by pointing out
to me mistranslated terms or incorrectly interpreted Japanese parts of
speech, etc. For some reason, not even one such expert called me in the
last 14 years or so. Most of the time, I get a call from an agency only if
I skip a line of Japanese text or if a recognizable (Arabic, not Chinese)
number is missing in the otherwise Japanese and thus completely
incomprehensible text. This is because the proofreader can almost never
read any Japanese. It is usually a kid (I think I can say that now because
I will hit the big five oh pretty soon) who maybe knows some French or
Russian and thus works part time for an agency as a translation
coordinator/proofreader. Most of them, however, are completely
monolingual. Many of these kids seem pretty bright, although not all of
them are as deferential to me as I think they should be. Needless to say,
none of them is equally fluent in Japanese and English, and at the same
time also experienced in translation of highly technical Japanese patents
into English. This is probably because if they were language and
subject-qualified experts, they could make much more money translating the
same patents than working for an agency. Even a monolingual checker can
catch omissions and typos and thus add some value to a translation,
because even the best translators make mistakes sometime, especially when
under the constant pressure of one deadline after another. If the original
translation is good, there is not much that can or should be done with it,
other than catching the occasional typo or omission. If the original
translation is mediocre but still makes sense, you can perhaps fix a few
technical terms or clumsy expressions, but that is about the only thing
that can be done with it. And you can only do it if you happen to be a
more experienced translator than the first translator.
monolinguals are likely to do more harm than good with their editing of
is why typical monolinguals, even very smart monolinguals, are likely to
do more harm than good to a highly technical translation if they try to
change the meaning of something that may “sound strange” to them,
without understanding the meaning of the original and/or the technical
context. The smarter ones try to stick to fixing up typos and carefully
checking for omissions by matching the lines and paragraphs because they
know that patents in strange languages are likely to be “strange” by
definition. If a translation of a Japanese patent sounds like a beautiful
excerpt from another great American novel, the chances are that it is not
a very good translation because it is not faithful to the original since
that is not how they write patents in Japanese. When one strive to achieve
a balance between the principles of fidelity to the original and elegance
of expression in the target language, a mighty struggle that we all go
through every day, it probably makes sense to emphasize elegance of
expression in some types of commercial translations. But patents are
translated to provide technical evidence that is often used in court of
law. Every minor mistranslation or a slight change of meaning, which is
usually not terribly clear in the original, can basically destroy the
purpose of the whole translation. The best protection against a
mistranslation is matching the right kind of translation with the right
kind of translator. The problem is, unless an agency specializes in a
certain field or language(s), the coordinator has often no idea what is in
the text that is being sent to a freelance translator. Once a mistake is
made and the wrong person accepts the wrong kind of work, the only remedy
is usually a retranslation when an angry client refuses to pay for an
unusable translation.
If you are not sure
about the translations you are selling, shouldn’t you be selling used
cars or refrigerators instead?
many times have you received a call from a person asking you whether you
can translate “a document” in your language, and when you asked what
kind of document, they told you that they were not sure? In my case, it is
most of the time. A used car salesman who “is not sure” about the kind
of car that he is selling is probably going to lose his customer. A
translation coordinator who is not sure about his product either is likely
eventually lose his customer too, although it may take some time before
the customer discovers problems with a translation. And the company will
probably not be sure why they lost that customer.
clients are realizing that they may be better off by working with a
specialized translation agency or an individual translator rather than
with an agency that translates “all fields and all languages”. When patent lawyers and paralegals run a search on the Web, they
will be more likely to send us an e-mail instead of calling the biggest
advertisement in their local Yellow Pages as they used to a few years ago
if we seem to have exactly what they are looking for on our website. The
same principle is probably applicable to other specialized fields of
our potential clients who look for the right kind of specialists (who
happen to be us) can only finds us if we make it easy or at least possible
for them to find us by having our own website, being listed on the website
of the ATA or of our local translators organizations, etc. It is a lot of
work to create a website that will serve precisely this purpose, it takes
some time and costs money. But in the end, it is time and money well
spent. And as some of our clients are becoming more sophisticated about
the nature of translation, they are beginning to realize that short of
hiring the perfect translator full time for their company, which usually
does not make sense for budgetary reasons, the only way to make sure that
they get what they need is to enter into a long-term relationship with a
professional translator or an agency that specializes in a fairly narrow
field. Excellence in the field of translation does not fall all of a
sudden from the sky. It is the result of a close relationship between
translators and clients who supply the same translators with work in the
same field, year after year. Instead of trying to wash a black dog that
should have been a white dog, or to paint a white dog black when we have a
white dog but we really wanted a black one, it makes much more sense to
start with the right kind of color of the dog (the right translator) to
begin with. For best results, you should still wash the dog - have the
translation proofread carefully - as long as you know that you can’t
change the dog’s color!
performance of some professions is suitable for team work, but team work
may be less suitable for other professions. A team of professional burgers
flippers working at Burger King will achieve best results if the guy who
chops onions and cole slaw can also make fries and defrost frozen ground
meat, as well as run the cash register, just like all the other
professionals on the team, all of whom can be paid the equivalent of
minimum age because the skills required here can be learned easily and all
the team members are thus easily replaceable. But translation in highly
specialized fields, slaying of vampires, or picture painting is less
suitable for team work. When you have Buffy, Giles, and Willow going after
the same monster with three different wooden sticks, the monster slayers
could easily kill each other in the confusion of the fight, because
vampire slaying is a highly individualistic art, not very suitable for
team work. Imagine Vincent Van Gogh, Egon Schiele, and Thomas Kinkade
cooperating on the same picture. They would probably start fighting with
each other and one of them might end up missing an ear or another body
part as a result of their cooperation. I believe that three different
translators collaborating on the same text would probably end up killing
each other too, because each of them is likely to be a supreme
individualist using a different approach.
I said in the beginning, it may not be such a good idea to try to wash a
black dog and expect to get a white dog after the washing, or to paint a
white dog black. I would get the right color of the dog first. And it
makes no sense to try to repaint Van Gogh or Schiele into Kinkaidian glitz
because you want “to see the whole picture”. Each of the artists will
paint a completely different picture of the same scene.
“It is vain to do
with more what can be done with fewer”
what we know about translation, it seems to be more art than science or an
easily learned skill such as flipping of burgers. But even if we were to
consider translation more science than art in order to try to apply
scientific principles to it, I would vote for the well known, time-tested
scientific principle called Occam’s razor, after William of Occam (1285
- 1349), an English Franciscan friar who taught philosophy in Oxford and
Munich, and among other things wrote anti-papal pamphlets that influenced
Luther and later paved the way for Reformation. According to his most
famous maxim called Occams’s razor - “it is vain to do with more what
can be done with fewer”, namely, the fewest possible assumptions should
be made when explaining a thing and the simplest hypothesis is usually the
best. A few centuries later, this maxim became known in modern English as
the KIS (keep it simple, stupid). What can be simpler than having one
experienced and qualified translator translate a text and have a fresh
pair of eyes proofread the translation afterwards, as qualified eyes as
possible, rather than to try to do the same with “teams of subject and
language-qualified experts”, as some companies like to claim, which
would be in any case prohibitively expensive. After all, more than seven
centuries later, science has been called the srt of systematic
oversimplification by Karl Popper (1902-04), perhaps the most influential
philosopher of science of the last century.
But the simplest
and best solution ... may not always be the easiest one!
scientists take complicated processes and strip them down to their
essentials, they can sometimes discover fundamental truths that apply to
other processes. Amazingly, what scientists are trying to achieve in their
laboratories is very similar to what poets, painters, and philosophers are
trying to express with words, colors and shapes, and ideas. The problem
is, the simplest and best solution may not always be as easy as it sounds.
The simplest solution for translation of a certain type of text in a
certain language would be if the person who answer the phone when a
customer calls with a prospective translation knew the language and the
field in question. The same person could then either translate the text or
send it to a translator who is personally known to this person as being
language and subject qualified. In reality, however, this does not always
happen. Based on my interaction with agencies (“we have a document for
you translation, but of course we have no idea what’s in it, because it
is in Japanese, Slovak, etc.), it in fact does not seem to happen too
agencies who translate “everything” are hardly the only commercial or
non-commercial providers of services in this country who do not seem to be
paying much attention to actual and real knowledge of foreign languages.
It would have been nice if the CIA, FBI, Immigration and other
taxpayer-funded organizations had in key positions personnel fluent in
Arabic and other languages on their payroll prior to September 11.
According to newspaper reports a total of nine (nine!) people majored in
the year 2000 in all the universities in the United States. Had wee been
able to actually understand communication between terrorists in foreign
languages that we were no doubt monitoring with our superior technology,
it might have saved a few thousand American lives. I am hoping that we are
doing more of it now, but I am not exactly holding my breath. It takes a
long time before a country can change its monolingual view of the (known)
universe. In a country as big as ours, the chances are that it will never
happen anyway. It is easier to spend more money on more eavesdropping
technology that nobody is actually listening to.
Even a well known
publishing house such as Alfred A. Knopf is “Two Steps Removed”
New York Times Book Review published on November 5, 2001 in the section
“Letters” an excerpt from a letter of Paul Olchvary. I would like to
end this article with an excerpt from this letter which the editors of the
Book Review entitled “Two Steps Removed”:
behalf of more than 10 translators, editors or scholars of Hungarian
literature, I wish to express our pleasure that Alfred A. Knopf has
undertaken the American publication of one of Hungary’s most famous 20th-century
authors, Sandor Marai. We are dismayed, however, that an author known for
his distinctive Central European vision and his elegant Hungarian prose
was translated not from the original work, but from a translation. The
work in question is Marai’s short novel “Embers” (review, Oct. 14).
Since only the copyright page indicates that the German is the source
edition, many readers will have the impression that the translation is
from the language Marai wrote it in. It is not. That a major publisher
should condone such a long-outmoded practice is regrettable. Will readers
of this twice-filtered English text hear Marai’s voice nearly as much as
they would in a fine translation by someone in tune with the
non-Indo-European nuances of the Hungarian? Established translators of
Hungarian to English do exist in a sufficient number for a publisher to
secure a first-rate translation from the original. ...... What, after all,
would American readers say about the works of an eminent German author
reaching them not directly from German, but Hungarian?”
have to wonder, unless you tell them, would they notice?